Captain's Log 2013

Don Wilson. Good Fortune from the Start Don Wilson in his taxi For our first visit to Hull Island, Heidi and I needed a ride from Vancouver Island to Hull Island and back. I managed to convince Heidi that a one day visit was definitely safe and just a quick look to see first hand if it was worth pursuing. It wasn't a commitment or anything. I found Don Wilson and Silver King Taxi via the Port McNeill Business Bureau. Don was impressed I found him this way as he was a town council member and supported the business bureau. Things started off on the right foot! Even more exciting, when I described the island Don says, "yeah, I know the place, it's 1/2 a mile from my home!" Priceless coincidence. We met Don on the dock in Port McNeill and started a great relationship that will last forever. On the way to and from Hull, Don gave us a fantastic overview of the region's history, terrain and people. He talked about the local guys: Mike Buttle, Len with a saw mill, ...