To Blog or Not to Blog

By Jon Geiger

Apparently a discussion has broken out regarding the Hull Island official blog.
Hull Island is a private destination being developed by and for the pioneers who will be the first in recorded history to settle on the land,  and for the ensuing visitors who come to enjoy the family, friends and local environment.
Will we pilgrims gain the experiences only in first hand and in the moment? Can we only cherish the time we are present and what we retain in our memories?  Will we live this portion of our lives exclusively to ourselves and as directly seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted?
Will we try and capture the experience through photography, media, written stories and retained information?  And, if we want to capture and retain the information, what is the best way to do this?Should there be one central repository or many distributed sources?
How should the retained information be stored and who should have access?  Anyone? Everyone? Or only the chosen ones?
What is privacy? Would sharing the stories with everyone invite unwanted tourists and visitors?Would it become akin to a terrarium where outsiders watch people live?
What is history? How do we know history?
The initial landing is one starting point to answer current questions and raise new ones.


  1. Nestled amidst the cerulean expanse of the ocean, the island beckons with its untamed beauty and serene tranquility. Here, time seems to stand still, as the gentle rustle of palm trees harmonizes with the soothing melody of crashing waves. Every grain of sand tells a story of ancient seafarers and mystical legends, whispered by the winds that dance across the landscape. From hidden coves to towering cliffs, each corner of this island is a canvas painted with nature's finest hues. It's a sanctuary for weary souls, a haven where worries dissipate like morning mist, and where the only currency is the priceless gift of solitude. Welcome to paradise, where the spirit of adventure awaits around every bend.


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