Brief Thoughts on Returning for Second Landing

By Liz Hattemer

Don Wilson visits with his WW2 landing craft. 

I'm super excited to start planning my second landing on Hull Island. Not sure yet who the pioneers are going to be this time, but it looks like the first week of September is the start date. Of great interest to me is Hull's Kitchen. Did it survive the weather? Did other voyagers happen upon it and find it useful, leaving us a sign that all was well? And how about our art installations? The Giving Tree! Matt's rock sculptures!  How much will we have to clear again? Will the marks we left guide us further into the island for more discovery? Did the kayaks and tools get stolen? What will it be like to step onto the island knowing we'd been there before? And maybe bears have been foraging for the crabs that have surely shifted their galaxy to the waters around Hull island. So many exciting ideas and questions. I can't wait!


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