What Hull Island Taught Me

By Christopher Geiger

Packing for a wilderness trip
Playing incessant mental games about imagined risks before even arriving was useless
The sheer amount of stuff
Loving how many colors and sizes of bags, coolers and containers exist
The power of working together to prepare and launch
Time together in anticipation of a major event is magnificent
Logistics are important and need to be owned
A plan for coordination and safety cannot be ignored
It costs money to venture into the wild
Teamwork at landing is not an option
Responsibilities must be shared, owned and delivered to succeed
And the kids were the same as we were at their age 
Hard work is good
Arriving at the goal, however temporary, is stupendous
Moss is good bedding

Any rock can be moved 
Make sure your tent works

Art can be created out of anything

Leadership and experience of Henry and Andy were crucial
Our ability to work as a team together is precious
Jon's vision is an example for the family.
We are a strong family.
And what we don’t need to bring next time…


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