Captain's Log 2020

Covid Pandemic One of the reasons I wanted a very remote piece of land on the ocean was so that I would have a safe harbor in the event of a world catastrophe - in case of armageddon, nuclear war, or pandemics. Hull is remote enough to provide protection from the post-apocalyptic marauding hordes; if the situation got too hot, we could escape by sea and sail anywhere in the world (no need for fossil fuel). In March 2020 with hysteria over Covid-19 raging, the United States and Canada closed the borders to non-essential foreign travel. All of a sudden we're non-essential people. Huh. A full year has passed and the border is still closed. My dream of a safe place has been shaken. I wonder how long and how frequently these closures will occur in the future. This sucks! The last time I was on Hull Island was September 9th 2019. In the 18 months away, neighbors have kept an eye on the place. Mike reports the dock is still there and Don and Kim ...