Recommitment to Nature, Rocket Stove and Ryokan

By Jon Geiger A huge positive for me this year was reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a botanist, professor of plant ecology, and Potawatomi Indian. The book gave me great perspective and deep appreciation for the teachings of nature from both scientific knowledge and indigenous wisdom. Kimmerer does a fabulous job weaving her personal life experiences in with traditional Indian stories passed down by the elders. The book raised my spirits and renewed my commitment to lead by example and preserve a large supply of clean air, fresh water, pristine land and nature. The forests of Hull Island are recovering well from past logging. In the years ahead I'll do as much, or as little as possible to help nature return to an old growth state and create a small comfortable living environment for us to integrate peacefully. While Don and neighbors in Canada have kept a close eye on Hull Island, I've worked on an updated design for a small ryokan to be built after th...