Haida Hideaway Fully Booked?

This is why all the computer on-line booking BS sucks. Heidi checked on-line for the Hull standard/basic plan stay at the Haida-Way Motor Inn Hotel only to find it was fully booked. (later proven to be dis-information) Wait what? No concrete wall rooms and traditional breakfast? Haida-Way special room Instead, for the first time we stayed the night at The Dalewood Inn. It was really clean, comfortable and even closer to the harbor and the Alert Bay ferry dock. We had a good dinner in their restaurant, went for a brief walk around town in the light rain, then off to bed (editor's note: photo of Jon not accepted). Morning weather conditions were light winds and rain coming in from the West. Not much to worry about, but just in case we drove along the water out of Port McNeill to get a better look at Johnstone Straits. Things didn't look too bad, no real whitecaps or swells. Loading 450 lbs of metal roof onto BRNR We loaded ...