Hull Island's New Jam, by Jeff Wilson

I woke up with a start the other day

It must have been a dream that stuck in my head

A mighty prophet had declared, they say,

That Hull Island was dead

Surely this could not be true

An investigation is needed to verify this claim

I’ll contact Jon and see what I can do

And make plans to visit and see what’s to blame

I’ve been to Hull twice in the last few years

A week in September was set for this trip

We recruited our friend John Low with the help of some beers

He wanted to hike and test out his new hip

The travel day came and the race to the ferry was on

Over to Nanaimo and to Port McNeill we drove

Is that a bum in the parking lot? No it’s just Jon

Next time I think we’ll fly to Lagoon Cove

Our focus now turns toward clues of Hull Island’s demise

One sign was the closing of the Haida Way Inn

Could this be the start of a long list of goodbyes?

How can such beauty and peaceful isolation not win?

Items loaded, supplies stowed, it’s time for 2BRNR to get into gear

Halfway across Johnstone Strait, an Orca pod was seen afloat

Jon wisely cut the engines, and we tried to stay clear

But the beasts had other ideas and swam beneath our boat

We made it to the island - it was time to see Jon dock

Past experience made me warn John Low to put on his life vest

I opened my eyes and wondrously, we were not sitting on the rocks

As we soon discovered, all it takes is 6 out 10 to pass the test

Up to the campsite we went to see what all the fuss was about

The change from my last trip was amazing to see

The hillside behind the cabin had been cleared, no doubt

Now we have to find another spot to go pee

Is this the source of the prophecy of impending doom?

Can Hull Island survive the coming changes to make it more comfortable?

I, for one, believe that it can since then it will have a real bathroom

For the traditionalists, I suppose, they can still march out and be miserable

The rest of the stay involved working on projects that Jon suggested

Stopping activities at five to build a fire and have a cocktail or two

Dinners were fantastic, especially John Low’s pulled pork and slaw that we ingested

Then to the fire we moved for great stories and a spectacular night view

At the end, we agreed indeed Hull Island is not endangered

Change is going to happen, and expectations need to keep pace

The prophets will debate and discuss and maybe even be angered

But hopefully everyone who visits will agree it is a damn fine place.

Jeff Fishing off the Dock

Jeff's First Visit - Bundled Wood for the Outdoor Kitchen Floating at High Tide

John Low, Jon Geiger, Jeff Wilson in Front of Woodpile

Jeff Wilson, Heavy Equipment Operator


  1. As the story goes, the phoenix is a mythical bird with fiery plumage that lives up to 100 years. Near the end of its life, it settles in to its nest of twigs which then burns ferociously, reducing bird and nest to ashes. And from those ashes, a fledgling phoenix rises – renewed and reborn.

  2. Ah, yes, Hull Island has been reborn and renewed for sure!


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